We Are Stronger Together
BWB supporters and friends,
Today was supposed to be the day we launched a month-long celebration of our 10th “birthday” as an organization. In 2010, five small watershed groups came together to invest in the idea that “We Are Stronger Together.” But I am struggling to celebrate when so many of our Baltimore neighbors are mourning yet another horrific murder of an unarmed black man for no reason other than the color of his skin.
I believe that we ARE stronger together – not just for environmental or policy goals, but also for creating the more just world we all profess to want. We cannot achieve any of these goals if we do not stand up, and speak up, against the persistent inequities across our society that embolden those who would kill black Americans for nothing more than jogging, going to church or the store, or any number of “normal” activities.
Blue Water Baltimore – our staff and board – cherish our partners across Baltimore and mourn with our community partners, neighbors, allies, and friends who are speaking up, protesting, and demanding real change.
This month, we will spotlight some of the many partners, supporters, and friends who have made the last 10 years of Clean Water and Strong Communities a shared goal. But we will start tomorrow.
Today, I urge our white supporters, donors, and friends to have a conversation with a loved one about the realities of systemic racism; make a contribution to an organization working to fight it; and seek out more education about the legacy of race and policing in America. You can find a list of resources and ways to get involved locally at www.surjbaltimore.org.
Jenn Aiosa, Executive Director
Blue Water Baltimore