Water Connects Us All

We partner with communities, businesses, and congregations in the Baltimore area to plant trees, create rain gardens and other green stormwater infrastructure, and help groups in their fight for clean water and healthy neighborhoods.

Contact us to find out how we can help your organization or community!

Victory! Mayor Scott Signs Net Zero Operations Bill

Baltimore benefits when great organizations collaborate

Blue Water Baltimore is proud to call Baltimore home, and we’re dedicated to making Charm City’s waterways cleaner and healthier. We know we’re not alone in feeling this way, and if your community group, business, or organization wants to join us, please drop us a line!

Volunteers at our fall tree planting event held in Towson, Maryland. It only takes an hour to plant a tree that will improve the health and beauty of our neighborhoods and environment for generations to come.

Our Partnership Highlights

By participating in the program, this partnership will:

  • Help you build and support congregational Green Teams to strengthen your creation care efforts.
  • Provide you with information and specific ideas for taking action based on assessments from technical partners.
  • Allow you to establish connections to help you sustain your new habits of stewardship.
  • Provide you with $1,000 in seed funds to kick start your initiative.

Over the course of the two-year grant, our goal is to work with 15 congregations to help them remove 15,000 square feet of impervious surface, develop nutrient management plans at eight congregations, plant 150 trees, and install up to 5,000 square feet of rain gardens.

One Water Partnership

One Water Partnership (previously Blue Water Congregations) provides free technical, design, financial, and landscape expertise and seeks to engage congregations in the Jones Falls Watershed in environmental stewardship.

Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake in partnership with Blue Water Baltimore, University of Maryland Sea Grant Extension, and Interfaith Power & Light, started One Water Partnership to help religious groups develop a commitment to reducing pollution. The program aims to raise awareness about human impacts on the Earth and accelerate the implementation of pollution-reduction projects on congregation properties.

With funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, this program is free to congregations within the Jones Falls watershed.

  • Installing rain gardens
  • Planting trees & landscaping
  • Adding rain barrels
  • Educating parishioners

Host a Tree Planting

Every year, Blue Water Baltimore’s Restoration team plants thousands of trees in communities around the city.

Increased tree canopy makes neighborhoods cooler, filters pollutants from water heading to rivers and streams, and mitigates the effects of climate change.

Those plantings often start with a community association reaching out to us for help. If you represent a Baltimore neighborhood, give us a call to see how we can help make your neighborhood greener and healthier.

Two women add a plastic ring to a newly planted tree between a street and sidewalk while other volunteers look on.
Blue Water Baltimore works with communities around the Baltimore area. Check our events calendar for plantings near you to take part!

Become a Blue Water Baltimore Impact Partner!

Logo, with the words Impact Partner, and a drop of water creating ripples.

Business Sponsors

Blue Water Baltimore is proud to partner with a wide variety of local and national businesses to make our work possible. Below you’ll find our current financial sponsors along with links to discover more about them.

To join Blue Water Baltimore as a sponsor partner, contact MJ Jenkins. Sponsorship opportunities begin at $500 and can include team volunteering, lunch-and-learns, and more.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Volunteers plant a rain garden, which treats stormwater runoff with native plants.
two men are standing next to a large tank
A completed cistern for storing rainwater from a roof.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Blue Water Baltimore works with Baltimore City and County partners (community associations, places of worship, and other organizations) to design and build green stormwater infrastructure (GSI).

GSI serves to minimize the downstream effects of parking lots, roofs, and other impervious surfaces. Impervious surfaces rapidly transport polluted stormwater into our waterways and communities, while GSI aims to counteract that effect by slowing, storing, and filtering stormwater before it reaches our shared streams or causes local flooding events.

Whether you’re looking to revitalize your property with green solutions to stormwater or to treat runoff from a parking lot, we can help!

Please reach out to Patrick McMahon (pmcmahon [at] bluewaterbaltimore.org) or Darin Crew (dcrew[at] bluewaterbaltimore.org).

Trash in the water

Baltimore improves one neighborhood at a time

Green stormwater infrastructure is a cost-effective way to combat stormwater runoff and pollution. Green roofs, rain gardens, and pervious pavement are all examples of green stormwater infrastructure. 

Here’s how to get involved

a woman crouches down to paint on a rock

Stay Informed

Join our mailing list to get updated information on water qualities, on opportunities for making impact, and for special invitations to local events.

a group of people standing next to each other

Volunteer with us

Meet new people, explore Baltimore, and lend a helping hand as a Blue Water Baltimore volunteer to protect and improve our city!

a man and woman standing next to each other

Become a member

A donation of any size makes you a member of Blue Water Baltimore and part of our fight for clean water and strong communities.