How to Stop Water Pollution?
For far too long, Baltimore’s rivers and streams have been plagued by contaminated stormwater, toxic pollution, trash, and sewage.
Learn more our water pollution solutions to common water issues, and how you can make clean water a reality for Baltimore, Maryland, and near you.
Water Pollution Solutions
Baltimore’s waterways suffer from pollution caused by generations of industrial pollution, leaks from aging separate sewer and stormwater infrastructure, extensive hardscape, and widespread littering.
Our actions on land throughout the watershed directly impact water quality in the rivers that feed the Baltimore Harbor and the Chesapeake Bay.
Blue Water Baltimore is works with citizens and local authorities to prevent and remedy four major sources of water pollution:
In 2021 Blue Water Baltimore:
500 volunteers across 32 events makes a difference!
Help us to expand our water pollution solutions.
pollution reports
water samples
of impervious surface
lbs of trash
Measuring & Mapping the health of Baltimore’s waterways
Baltimore Water Watch to Stop Pollution
Blue Water Baltimore collects and synthesizes tens of thousands of individual data points each year to score our regional waterway health.
Every indicator we track is equally important; from the Dissolved Oxygen content in the Inner Harbor to the Conductivity levels in the Towson Run, each measurement has a story to tell about the ecology of our streams, rivers, and harbor – and the pollutants degrading them.
The long-term dataset that Blue Water Baltimore has been building since 2013 is used by academic institutions, state regulators, local law-makers, and members of the public to make informed decisions about our waterways. It’s also the scientific backbone of the restoration, advocacy, outreach, and education work we conduct year-round.
monitoring sites
readings collected
years of watershed health data
Current Conditions
How to fix Baltimore city water issues
Restore the quality of Baltimore’s water
This pollution not only harms our environment, but it also threatens the health of our citizens and the vitality of our local economy. But Blue Water Baltimore is fighting back.
To address these issues, Blue Water Baltimore is collaborating with residents, businesses, and property owners to reduce pollution and implement tangible solutions in order to ensure clean waterways and healthy neighborhoods.
We also advocate at the local, state and federal level to ensure that water pollution laws are enforced, that emerging pollution issues are addressed with new enforceable laws, and that clean water regulatory programs are funded and implemented effectively.
Clean water is a human right.
Blue Water Baltimore is our waterway’s first line of defense against pollution.
Get involved to help
Join the fight for local water pollution solutions
Our mission is to restore the quality of Baltimore’s rivers, streams, and harbor to foster a healthy environment, a strong economy, and thriving communities.
Here are the best ways to get involved:
Stay Informed
Join our mailing list to get updated information on water qualities, on opportunities for making impact, and for special invitations to local events.
Volunteer with us
Meet new people, explore Baltimore, and lend a helping hand as a Blue Water Baltimore volunteer to protect and improve our city!
Become a member
A donation of any size makes you a member of Blue Water Baltimore and part of our fight for clean water and strong communities.