a sign on a chain link fence that reads blue water balance

Library Square Greening and Stormwater Restoration

Library Square, surrounded by blocks of pavement and urban development, has a large wedge of green space which is anchored by one of Baltimore’s Enoch Pratt Free Library.

In August, Blue Water Baltimore and Biohabitats agreed to contract terms to complete a community greening and stormwater restoration project at Library Square. This project will treat polluted runoff that flows into Harris Creek, a buried stream which has been identified as a city priority and cause of localized flooding in the surrounding neighborhoods.

With this project we are seeking to restore the land, increase community benefits, and improve the conditions of the local environment.

Environmental Restoration

The site is now under construction as an environmental restoration project supporting the Friends of Library Square (FOLS) vision of a cleaner and greener area.

The main construction of the project is underway and will be completed in the winter of 2015, with the plants and final landscaping scheduled for the spring.


Project Design

The project will features the following community enhancements:

  • Three bioretention basins with native flowering plants

  • Native flowing berms

  • Plaza with Permeable Pavement

  • Stoop seating with historic marble material

  • Two new Americans with Disability Act (ADA) access ramps

  • A realigned front walkway to align with the main central walkway

  • Desire paths to access bus stations

Thank you to all members of the community for supporting this project!


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