a woman standing on a bridge with her arms crossed

Voices of Deep Blue: Antoinette, Mondawmin

The president of the Mondawmin Neighborhood Improvement Association called me up about PhotoVoice. She said Blue Water Baltimore had this project going and they were asking residents to go around the community and take photographs of things, both positive and negative, from the resident’s perspective. And I said, “Well, that’s something I really want to…

a woman with red hair is smiling and talking on her cell phone

Voices of Deep Blue: Adeline, Mondawmin

I’ve lived in the Greater Mondawmin area for the past 32 years. We have so many assets here; people just need to see it. My first project with Blue Water Baltimore was a stenciling project for stormwater remediation. We got the kids together, got 18 stormwater drains stenciled. Then we went back and cleared the…

an older woman wearing glasses smiling for the camera

Voices of Deep Blue: Barbara, Mondawmin

My name is Barbara Anderson-Dandy, and I bring greetings from historic Auchentoroly Terrace. We are the beautiful community facing Druid Hill Park, and our tree canopy is like that of no other in the city. Our partnership with Blue Water Baltimore started three years ago when Darin Crew came to our monthly meeting to suggest…