Two brown colored rain barrels.

Rain Barrels: Your Questions Answered

With April showers come May flowers, and rain barrels can help keep your gardens blooming and our local streams and rivers clean! Looking to install a rain barrel at home? Here are some frequently asked questions answered by our Restoration and Herring Run Nursery staff. Q: What are rain barrels?  A: Rain barrels are containers…

Stormwater flowing into a storm drain on a street.

April Showers Don’t Just Bring Flowers

We’ve seen lots of rainfall this April, and these April showers don’t just bring flowers. Baltimoreans may be experiencing flooding, sewage backups, and other effects of wet weather. At Blue Water Baltimore, stormwater is always on our mind. We want to share more about what stormwater is and how you can help mitigate its effects. …

Community members planting flowers and native plants as part of a stormwater restoration project in Maryland.
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Maryland needs to explore better ways to manage storm runoff

I was grateful to see front page coverage of a critical and growing issue in Baltimore — how we effectively deal with urban stormwater (“As Maryland pours millions of dollars into its ailing streams, research shows some projects don’t help clean Chesapeake Bay,” Jan 2). As we enter a new decade, we must think more holistically…