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a woman is sitting on a barrel with a drill

March 16 @ 1:00 pm 2:00 pm

Rain barrels are a fun and easy way to collect rainwater before it rushes into our streets and streams, and a great way to keep your garden watered. Join our nursery team to build your own rain barrel to take home and hook up to your downspouts. You’ll be offsetting some of the impervious roof surface of your home and potentially saving a little on your water bill.

Instructions and tools will be provided, although you will need to cut a hole in your downspout at home to install it. We’ll show you how to do that part as well.

Location: Herring Run Nursery 6131 Hillen Rd. 21239

You must register below for the workshop! Thanks

$150 per rain barrel
6131 Hillen Road
Baltimore, MD 21239 United States
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