Over 450 Baltimore City residents listening to 2020 mayoral candidates speaking about their visions for addressing environmental issues.

Mayoral candidates share their visions for a cleaner, greener Baltimore

In this year’s highly contested race for mayor of Baltimore City, candidates had yet to address the environment as a top tier issue. A coalition of local organizations, Baltimore Blue+Green+Just (BBGJ), hosted an environmental forum to change that.  More than 450 residents came out to Monday’s forum to ask candidates about their plans to make…

a woman standing at a podium with a microphone

Baltimore’s Candidates for Mayor Tackle Environmental Questions

[Photo courtesy of League of Conservation Voters] Last night, we witnessed an impressive moment as more than three hundred people gathered at Mount Lebanon Baptist Church in West Baltimore to ask Baltimore’s mayoral candidates to share their vision for making Baltimore a more livable, healthy and clean city. As executive director of Blue Water Baltimore…