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Celebrating 2020: Community Support

While you might not think 2020 was a year to celebrate, we have plenty to share about why it was an awesome year for our watershed. All month we’ll be celebrating our victories and impacts last year… thanks to you and the rest of our community!

Donors Keep the Ship Sailing

A moment from our first-ever virtual Blue Water Bash

At the beginning of 2020, we set some pretty ambitious fundraising goals for our big 10th anniversary. Then in March, like so many nonprofits and small businesses, we were hustling to manage expenses and protect our staff from layoffs or furloughs. By the end of 2020, not only had we kept our team intact, we had actually met that original ambitious fundraising goal!

The generosity and enthusiasm of the Blue Water Baltimore community has launched us into 2021 with new energy, and the resources to keep investing in this important work. If you’re a Blue Water Baltimore member-donor, know that you are deeply appreciated, and in great company. Here are some of our favorite stats from 2020:

  • 359 new donor families joined us!
  • The number of sustaining donors more than doubled from 2019. These committed folks’ regularly monthly giving help us plan and grow while making a big impact.
  • Individuals like you contributed half of all of our unrestricted funding, the critical dollars we need to create new solutions and do the everyday work of protecting and restoring our watershed.

To join this amazing community, check out all our ways to give.


Volunteers Get the Job Done

Family volunteers at the end of their own #trashtag cleanup


When the pandemic overtook us during planning for our busiest volunteer month of the year– and the 50th anniversary of Earth Day– it was easy to lose hope. While we really, really (really) miss getting to be out with you all each week, we were able to pivot and host some pretty great volunteer work days this year. Here are some of our highlights:

  • More than 500 volunteers served 2,000+ hours with us planting, pruning, mulching, and cleaning.
  • Lots of groups participated in dispersed #trashtag cleanups this year. Special shout-outs to Repair the World, Xylem, Boy Scout Troop 5, BGE, and the Quaranclean volunteers for staying active and spreading joy.
  • Our annual Cheers to Clean Water cleanup, in partnership with Trash Free Maryland and local breweries, was a huge success with more than 100 volunteers working to keep litter and debris out of our storm drains and waterways. 

The work continues in 2021! Sign up for an up coming tree maintenance or cleanup project at our events page.



Community in the Lead

Nothing can slow down the amazing local leaders who have been pushing for greener, cleaner, healthier neighborhoods in our City and County. We are so honored to have continued supporting organizers in Oliver, Curtis Bay, Sudbrook, Belair-Edison, Morrell Park, Irvington, Violetville, Towson, and many other neighborhoods, schools, and congregations to implement their vision for the future. None of our work would be possible without the dozens of committed, connected, creative people who organize their communities every day. To inquire about our neighborhood support resources, contact [email protected]

Organizers in Oliver canvass to help neighbors pick out new street trees and deliver emergency supplies.

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