Water Quality Publications
In our water quality publications, you can find annual water quality results, stories, and news about our work to restore water quality and make an immediate difference in the health of your local watershed.
Baltimore Water Watch
Baltimore Water Watch is an exciting new platform that we created in conjunction with Chesapeake Commons to visualize our water quality data in an innovative way. Check out the Baltimore Water Watch website, and view a summary of the annual report cards below.
Healthy Harbor Report Card & Harbor Heartbeat
The Healthy Harbor Report Card (2011 – 2016) was produced by Blue Water Baltimore in partnership with the Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore to raise public awareness about the state of our waterways. The Harbor Heartbeat report (2018), developed by the Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore, also showcases Blue Water Baltimore’s water quality and restoration data, and compiles data from other partners as well. These comprehensive reports examine Baltimore’s water quality, including pollution sources and how they impact ecological and human health.