Make a commitment today to protect our watersheds for the future.

The Salamander Society represents the commitment of the Blue Water Baltimore community to the long-term protection and restoration of our waterways. Members have made gifts through their estate plans to ensure support for the mission beyond their lifetimes. 

If you have included Blue Water Baltimore in your estate plans, or would like to, use the form below to let us know so we can recognize you!

Or reach out to Director of Development Heather Poff: [email protected] or 410-254-1577.


The Salamander Society is named in honor of Bobby Johnson, a champion of Clean Water, Strong Communities in Baltimore. With other founders of Blue Water Baltimore, he sought strength in numbers and brought hardworking and effective people together on behalf of our watersheds and the Harbor.

Bobby’s long-term appreciation of salamanders led him to trudging through swamps and streams, and was part of his inspiration to protect and restore our streams and rivers and foster a greater love for the environment. Our Salamander Society echoes Bobby’s undying commitment to the mission.

Your planned gift to the Salamander Society will carry Blue Water Baltimore’s work long into a future that will need strong support for our environment. Unrestricted funds will be directed toward current programming priorities and help sustain our future growth, always following Bobby’s directive of reconnecting Baltimoreans with their waterways.