Withdrawal From Paris Agreement Means We The People Must Take The Lead
This is the moment of truth, in every sense. We at Blue Water Baltimore are committed to scientific truth, and advocating for policies which protect and enhance our region’s environmental health. This means we must speak up, today, and confront the harsh realities that threaten our watersheds and Baltimore’s neighborhoods. It is a fact that climate change threatens us through rising water levels and dangerous floods. It is a fact that fossil fuels guzzle up water in their production and deposit dangerous pollutants in our waterways when burned. Unfortunately, the White House’s decision yesterday to withdraw from the Paris Agreement is a break from sound, science-based policy and the overwhelming consensus of climate scientists.
Last Earth Day, the nations of the world came together to set the Paris accord in motion, committing to unprecedented cuts in carbon emissions to stabilize global temperatures and avoid the most catastrophic warming scenarios. Almost without exception, every country on earth has signed on to that agreement and forged ahead to meet those commitments. Until now. Make no mistake: yesterday’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change poses a grave threat to the environmental health of Baltimore, Maryland, and our region. Climate change is real; it is driven by human action, and it endangers the most basic safety, health, and well-being of every one of us like nothing ever seen before.
That is why now is the time for us, the people of Baltimore, to take the lead. What happens here is no less crucial than in Paris, or Washington D.C., and it’s more urgent than ever that we on the front lines of climate change take the fight to the forces that imperil our homes and our jobs, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. We at BlueWater Baltimore pledge to do everything in our power to empower YOU. Every tree you plant, letter you write, and program you support helps build the vital infrastructure and strong communities we need to take back control from climate change and those who choose to deny it.
Together, we know we have the power to move forward.