a map showing the location of several buildings

Survey Says: 400 New Trees for North Avenue

In nature, trees do a fine job of planting themselves.  In an urban environment like Baltimore, getting the right tree in the right place takes a little bit of human effort. The West North Avenue Streetscape Conceptual Master Plan, completed by the Neighborhood Design Center and influenced by many community and technical partners, identified street…

YouthWorks 2013 A Big Success

Since 2003 Blue Water Baltimore has enjoyed hosting a team from Baltimore City’s YouthWorks program. In 2013 we trained and employed eight high school students for six weeks, teaching them the skills to maintain Baltimore’s urban forest. The trainees worked with our staff and volunteers to survey 33 sites.  After identifying maintenance priorities, them teams…

a tree roots can extend far beyond the canopy

Four Tips to Protect Trees from Storm Damage

It has been a rough year for trees in Baltimore, with several storms that resulted in significant damage to our urban forest. Although severe storms will always result in some uprooted and broken trees, thankfully some preventative steps can lessen the impact. Knowing why trees succumb to storms, we can ensure that we take four…