Happy 40th Anniversary, Clean Water Act

[Note: Lisa DeGuire is the 2012-2013 Chesapeake Conservation Corps member for Blue Water Baltimore. She assists with greening projects, environmental education, and the Clean Water Community Initiative.] Today, the Clean Water Act turns 40! Although I wasn’t yet born when the Clean Water Act was enacted, I have been reaping the benefits my entire life….

Stormwater grant from National Fish & Wildlife Foundation will reduce residential water pollution

As a staff member who spends most of her time in front of a computer and out in the field assessing homes for runoff reduction opportunities yesterday was an exciting change of pace and more than a little bit rewarding. I’ve spent the past three years working for Blue Water Baltimore (and the Jones Falls…


Enough is Enough: Citizens Tell Maryland To Get Serious About Clean Water

This month I had the honor of participating in one of the most inspiring events I’ve experienced since I started my position as Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper: the public hearing on the draft Baltimore City stormwater (aka MS4) permit. You might be wondering what the heck is so inspiring about a pollution permit hearing? I’ll tell…

A Rain Garden Today Keeps Stormwater Away

Rain is great. I heartily encourage my kids to stick out their tongues and catch a few cold drops of precious spring moisture every April. Rain on impervious surfaces, however, is bad. In our developed environment, impervious surfaces such as streets, sidewalks, parking lots, and roofs are often more prevalent than green space. And lacking…

We Deserve a Pollution Diet for the Bay AND our Local Waterways

My name is Tina Meyers and I just started two weeks ago at Blue Water Baltimore as the new Baltimore Harbor WATERKEEPER for Blue Water Baltimore.  I am SUPER excited to be your new on-the-water advocate, and I can’t wait to get to know our supporters in more depth.  However, there is an urgent issue…

Painting Baltimore Blue

The Healthy Harbor initiative recently announced their vision for a fishable and swimmable harbor by 2020, and we are working hard to make that vision a reality.  Baltimore neighborhoods play an essential role in accomplishing that goal because the health of our waterways and the health of our communities are directly connected.  That is the motivation behind the…