Three Easy Ways to Reduce Rain Barrel Flooding

Rain barrels can be extremely effective at reducing stormwater pollution and our clients love them!  But they are not always trouble-free. Have you been having any issues with your rain barrel in the recent storms? After we experienced a storm that produced over one inch of rain in one hour or less we heard about…

A Rain Garden Today Keeps Stormwater Away

Rain is great. I heartily encourage my kids to stick out their tongues and catch a few cold drops of precious spring moisture every April. Rain on impervious surfaces, however, is bad. In our developed environment, impervious surfaces such as streets, sidewalks, parking lots, and roofs are often more prevalent than green space. And lacking…

Four Ways to Reduce Winter Stormwater Pollution

Controlling stormwater pollution is a year-round concern, one that matters in winter just as much as spring and summer. When the temperature drops, vast amounts of deicing chemicals are dumped by the truckload across our roads, sidewalks, and driveways. With each thaw, all that salt washes directly into our waterways. Freezing temperatures also lead to broken pipes, which…