Survey Says: 400 New Trees for North Avenue
In nature, trees do a fine job of planting themselves. In an urban environment like Baltimore, getting the right tree in the right place takes a little bit of human effort.
The West North Avenue Streetscape Conceptual Master Plan, completed by the Neighborhood Design Center and influenced by many community and technical partners, identified street trees and green spaces as key amenities for this area.
Blue Water Baltimore’s Urban Forestry team — Darin Crew, Elizabeth Fortson, John Marra, and Elise Victoria — surveyed the entire West North Ave streetscape from Linden Ave. on the east side to Hilton Parkway to the west, a two mile stretch.
Using the master plan as our guide, we identified opportunities to plant four hundred new street trees and remove more than half an acre of pavement.
Keep an eye out for progress starting in Spring and coming to completion in the Fall. With this project underway, Blue Water Baltimore will plant more street trees 2016 than we ever have before.
While we were working on the survey we found residents to be overwhelmingly excited and supportive about increasing shade and beauty in their neighborhood.
Our in partners include Coppin Heights Community Development Corporation, Druid Heights Community Development Corporation and the Mondawmin neighborhood communities of Robert W. Coleman and Fulton Heights. Funding for this project is provided by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.