two men in orange vests standing next to a truck

Restoration Blitz Underway

Blue Water Baltimore is currently implementing and overseeing several major environmental restoration projects in the Greater Baltimore area. These projects demonstrate Blue Water Baltimore’s commitment to on-the-ground restoration actions with the goal of significantly improving local environment and water quality.

The current projects include the stormwater Best Management Projects (BMPs) of urban tree canopy, raingardens, bioretention, stream restoration, and impervious surface removal, all with the goal of improving the quality of life for Baltimore residents through clean water and strong communities. These projects are all being funded by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Chesapeake and Coastal Bays Trust Fund, the State’s main source of funds for non-point source pollution reduction.

Current Projects

Baltimore International Academy

  • Removal of 20,111 square feet (0.46 acre) of impervious surfaces
  • Two bioretention facilities treating 1.1 acres of impervious surface runoff

St. Helena Community Center

  • Three rain gardens totaling 1,208 square feet, treating 0.35 acre of impervious runoff

These rain gardens and bioretention practices will help beautify these two locations with green features and native plants. Beyond the stormwater management improvements, the new green infrastructure will enhance an otherwise constant landscape of concrete and asphalt. Once complete, these areas will treat the stormwater runoff entering our local watershed and eventually the Chesapeake Bay.

Surface removal preparing for the installation of rain gardens at St. Helena.

North Ave & Surrounding Neighborhood Street Trees

  • 450 new street trees
  • 0.75 acres of impervious surface removal

A strong urban canopy has been shown to help the community in multiple ways, from reducing energy consumption and providing shade to residents and homes to reducing water pollution from runoff. Trees help build stronger communities! Our work crews are working right now to complete Phase I of the project by the end of June, which will result in 225 new street trees and 0.25 concrete removed.

Jones Falls Stream Restoration

  • 560 linear feet of stream restoration

With the help of a local green infrastructure firm, Environmental Quality Resources (EQR), Blue Water Baltimore is overseeing the Jones Falls Stream Restoration Project. A project years in the making has finally broken ground and will be Blue Water Baltimore’s largest single-site project to date.

As you can see Blue Water Baltimore is taking significant steps to restore our local environment. We believe that the urgent need for clean water must be met with the same level of energy and enthusiasm necessary to make measurable impacts and tangible results. These four significant restoration projects underway are just the beginning of our Restoration Blitz underway through the end of 2016, please stay tuned as many of our future projects break ground over the coming weeks as well!


Concrete Portion of Jones Falls to be Restored.

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