Making a Difference, One (Rain) Barrel at a Time

Hi! My name is Erin McVey and I am the new Rain Barrel and Water Audit Program Coordinator at Blue Water Baltimore.
Having just moved to Baltimore, it is great to be out and about getting to know the city and talking to residents about ways they can make a difference on their property by decreasing stormwater runoff.
I grew up in the suburbs of Wilmington, DE and went to school in Newark, DE, so I learned very quickly that stormwater is at the forefront of urban environmental issues. Polluted stormwater runoff is the one of the largest sources of pollution in urban environments, but it is not always at the forefront of people’s minds. As a result, it has been encouraging to work with residents who understand the impact stormwater has on local streams, rivers, and the Cheaspeake Bay.
By reducing the volume of stormwater coming from our homes, we can decrease pollution and prevent erosion of our stream banks. Rain barrels are an easy and inexpensive way to reduce stormwater pollution.
As the interest in installing rain barrels grows, it’s clear that residents understand they can do things to help with the urban stormwater issue.
On June 16, I held my first rain barrel workshop with Blue Water Baltimore. More than a handful of registrants, along with spouses, kids, and friends, built thirteen rain barrels.
Even those with limited power tool experience walked away with completed rain barrels, ready to be hooked up at their home. We even had a participant from Virginia!
I am excited to announce that on September 15 and October 19, residents will have more opportunities to build a rain barrel at one of our workshops. The event is a hands-on learning experience, and you’ll walk away with your very own rain barrel at the end!
Both workshops will be held in Herring Run Park (4900 Harford Road, Baltimore).
Click here to register for one of our Fall rain barrel workshops now!
We will see you there!