Make Your Voice Heard
Help Blue Water Baltimore advocate for clean water and healthy neighborhoods by joining the Baltimore Department of Public Works’ new Resident Advisory Council (RAC). The council will be composed of 14 city residents and six DPW representatives, and it’s a great way to get involved!
From the city’s press release:
The deadline to apply to serve on the DPW Resident Advisory Council is Sunday, May 15, 2022. The application is available and can be submitted online: Residents can email [email protected] or call (410) 396-3310 to receive an application in the mail.
DPW is currently accepting applications from Baltimore City residents who want to serve on the Council. Director Mitchell will convene a committee to review applications for acceptance. We are seeking residents who are passionate about Baltimore and community service. RAC members must be:
A resident of Baltimore City
16 years of age or older
Registered to vote
Passionate about community service
Members of the RAC will be required to:
Attend a monthly meeting (online or in-person when COVD-19 mandates allow)
Serve two-year terms
Contribute to the development of DPW outreach programs
Register and engage in the Volunteer Network
Serve as RAC ambassadors by advocating for the respective communities and promoting cleanup efforts.
The deadline to apply to serve on the DPW Resident Advisory Council is Sunday, May 15, 2022. The application is available and can be submitted online: Residents can email [email protected] or call (410) 396-3310 to receive an application in the mail.