Five March Ways to Get Ready for Spring
Spring is just around the corner, which makes March a perfect time to get started on garden preparation.
Here are five things you can do this month to get moving:
- CLEAN UP: If you still have leaves on your lawn or sidewalks, mow or rake them to use as mulch in your native plant beds. Remove spent leaves from indoor plants.
- CUT BACK: In late March, once warmer temperatures seem here to stay, you can cut back last year’s perennials and grasses in your rain garden to a height of 6-8″.
- PRUNE: Prune trees while they are still dormant and before leaves emerge. You should wait to prune roses after last hard frost, and spring flowering shrubs should be pruned after bloom.
- SEEDS: Start seeds for cool season plants and seeds for warm season vegetables and flowers indoors (to be transplanted in mid-late spring).
- WATCH: Watch for the beautiful bulbs such as daffodils, squill, crocus, hyacinth and snowdrops bulbs begin to bloom.
Plus, Blue Water Baltimore is here to help: if you would like help getting your yard ready for spring, get a free landscaping estimate from us.