a group of people posing for a photo

Clean Water Starts in Communities

City of Neighborhoods Baltimore is often called a city of neighborhoods. Each one is unique, and has individual strengths and needs. Residents are experts in their own community. Many are master gardeners or trash warriors, who have years of experience and knowledge. Others are lifelong residents who understand the culture and history of each street,…


Make Your Clean Water Resolutions for 2015

The start of a new year is a great time for self-reflection and an opportunity to work toward positive changes in ourselves and our communities. Join us in making a clean water resolution for 2015! Here are some ideas on how you can help make a difference for clean water: Explore Baltimore’s Local Waterways Spend…


Join the #Litterati: Help Crowdsource Cleaner Streets

Trash in our streets and parks is a big problem in Baltimore. On Monday, January 19th 2015  join residents across the city and county to start doing something about litter. We’ll begin by tackling this problem, one piece of litter at a time. In honor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, Blue Water Baltimore…

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Waterways Shed 10,000 Pounds of Trash

In mid-November, 260 volunteers joined staff from Blue Water Baltimore and Gunpowder Valley Conservancy to remove trash from local streams during the annual Better Waterways Fall Cleanup. At ten cleanup sites, seven in Baltimore City and three in Baltimore County, our amazing volunteers who cleaned up 10,000 pounds of trash! Together we also worked to…

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Splash! Trawling for microplastics on the Chesapeake Bay

Is there a connection between the plastic in our neighborhoods and the plastic thousands of miles across the sea? This is the question that Trash Free Maryland set out to answer when it partnered with 5 Gyres to examine plastic pollution in the Chesapeake Bay. For four days this month, they sailed around the bay,…

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#BmoreBagSmart: Baltimore’s Disposable Bag Bill

This fall, the Baltimore City Council will be considering a bill that will place a 5-cent fee on disposable plastic and paper bags. Anyone who lives in Baltimore knows that litter is a serious problem. One of the most prominent type of trash seen in our neighborhoods, trees, and floating in the Baltimore Harbor, is…

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Join In & Sack the Plastic Bag in Baltimore

It’s a fact: plastic bags are a major source of trash in Baltimore’s rivers and in the Baltimore Harbor. According to various estimates, plastic bags are the second most common trash pollutant making up 10% of total trash and 50% of all plastic trash. Thankfully, the Baltimore City Council is working to address this problem….


Vans Warped Tour in Baltimore: It Doesn’t Take A Rock Star

The past two years, the bands, roadies, and event staff of the Vans Warped Tour have taken a day off from head-banging and face-melting to help Blue Water Baltimore in our efforts to save our streams. It was hard to top 2011’s project, where we converted more than 30,000 square feet of asphalt in Hampden into an outdoor…