Cool and Warm Season Native Plants: What You Should Know

When it comes to native plant gardening, a little planning goes a long way. At Herring Run Nursery, one of the first planning questions we ask our customers is “when do you want to plant?” And the truth is that trees and shrubs can, with the right precautions, be planted almost year-round but different types…

How to Budget Your Native Plant Garden

A native plant garden full of healthy, well-chosen plants is a joyous place: beautiful and full of wildlife. Too often, though, native plant gardens end up being something less than joyous. One the primary reasons that people are disappointed with their native plant gardens, even if they are not fully aware of the reason, is that…


Nature is not more complicated than you think, it is more complicated than you CAN think.

Having just returned from the very exciting New Directions in the American Landscape conference, I posted on the Herring Run Nursery Facebok page a quote famously attributed to Jack Ward Thomas – the controversial chief of the U.S. Forest Service from 1993 to 1996. The problem is, the quote actually belongs to Frank Edwin Egler.  Egler…

Red Twig Dogwood: Native Plant for All Seasons

The most popular native plants at Herring Run Nursery are ones that offer beauty year-round. The beauty of a native plant that shines in winter is that they help preserve the sense of seasonality.  Winter in Maryland has its own special character, and one of the native plants that helps define that character is redosier dogwood (Cornus…

Five Salt-Tolerant Native Plants for Rain Gardens

Five Salt-Tolerant Native Plants for Rain Gardens

Rain gardens are often the best solution for reducing the amount of polluted runoff your property generates. They capture the stormwater before it leaves  your land, allowing it to soak gently back into the earth. This process helps the water cycle, reducing stream flooding during storms and recharging ground water, and also traps pollutants so…

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3 Do’s and 1 Don’t For Tree Planting

Fall is a great time for tree planting:  the soil is still warm enough to help roots grow, but lower air temperatures are less stressful on newly transplanted trees. And there are lots of reasons to plant a tree: Trees help reduce polluted storm water runoff Trees provide cooling shade and lower electric bills Trees are…