Top 5 Blog Posts from 2013, and an Annual Report
With 2013 now firmly in Baltimore’s rear view mirror, we thought it’d be fun to take a look back at the most popular Blue Water
Baltimore blog posts from last year.
#5: Baltimore Icons: The Jones Falls
Baltimore radio station WTMD produced a great story on Jones Falls. If you haven’t listened to it, you definitely should.
#4: Meet David Flores, New Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper
We could not have been more excited than when we announced that David Flores, water quality geek extraordinaire would be assuming the help as the Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper.
#3: Blue Water Baltimore Seeks Citizen Intervention to Address Sewage Pollution
When we learned that Baltimore City was working to renegotiate its consent decree on water quality, we stepped forward to ensure that the citizen voice is represented.
#2: Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper leaving Blue Water Baltimore to test other waters
Our sad prelude to #4 was the announcement that Tina Meyers was leaving her post as Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper. Tina was instrumental in preparing our consent decree (see #3).
#1: Winterberry: Native Shrubs That Multitask
Native plants are an important part of our fight to reduce polluted runoff in Baltimore, and one of our favorite native shrubs is winterberry. Read all about it in this post, then shop for it in Spring at Herring Run Nursery.
Our blog wasn’t the only thing we were busy writing this year.
We published our first ever annual report, covering our many accomplishments in 2012.
Click here to read the 2012 Annual Report online or download the PDF.
2013 was also the year we joined Instagram. Be sure to check us out there as well as on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.