a large cross is on top of a building
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Wastewater Treatment Plant Update

Photo: Kristian Bjornard/Wikimedia Commons Baltimore City’s WWTP Progress is Under Judicial Scrutiny as Parties Near Consent Decree Negotiations Over a year ago, Blue Water Baltimore, represented by Chesapeake Legal Alliance and Barley Snyder, filed a notice of intent to sue Baltimore City for violations of the Clean Water Act at the two biggest wastewater treatment…

a group of people holding signs in front of a building
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Take Action! Public Hearing on Sewage Backup Assistance Programs

Sewage backups into peoples’ homes are a big problem in Baltimore City. When raw sewage spurts out from a basement-level toilet, bubbles up from a floor drain, or floods a washing machine, it presents a danger to residents’ health, causes damage to homes, and requires immediate attention and resources to fix.  Backups can be caused…

two women holding potted plants in their hands

Fall 2022 Tree Species Availability Free Tree Giveaway

Take home your own free tree! Blue Water Baltimore is partnering with the Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability, TreeBaltimore and Stillmeadow Community Fellowship to offer residents a variety of native tree species for FREE! From small flowering and fruiting trees to large canopy trees, each one makes a difference in our city….

the blue water baltimore logo
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Press Release: Blue Water Baltimore, Chesapeake Bay Foundation to Appeal Stormwater Permit Decision

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 13, 2022 Contact:Chris LandersBlue Water Baltimore(410) [email protected] AJ MetcalfMaryland Media and Communications Coordinator, Chesapeake Bay [email protected] BLUE WATER BALTIMORE, CHESAPEAKE BAY FOUNDATION TO APPEAL CIRCUIT COURT STORMWATER PERMIT DECISION BALTIMORE, MD—Last month, the Circuit Court for Baltimore City denied a petition from Blue Water Baltimore (BWB), the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF),…

the blue water baltimore logo

A Statement on the Drinking Water Crisis in West Baltimore

From Tony Bridges, Executive Director of Blue Water Baltimore: The drinking water crisis in West Baltimore is a stark reminder of the systemic problems with Baltimore’s water infrastructure—a problem built over decades that presents an ongoing threat to the health of our neighbors and waterways. The mishandling of the communication from Baltimore City to the…


Back River Community Science, Round Two

This week we held our second community science event in Back River, and this time forty-three people went out collecting samples in the area. We’re grateful to all our volunteers and to the Back River Restoration Committee (BRRC). BRRC reached out to us last year about ways residents could get involved in the ongoing water…

An aerial picture of the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant

What’s Happening at Baltimore’s Wastewater Plants?

Photo: Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant via Google Earth On Monday, Blue Water Baltimore, represented by pro bono attorneys at the Chesapeake Legal Alliance and the firm Barley Snyder, filed a motion in our federal Clean Water Act lawsuit against the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore over conditions at the Back River and Patapsco…

Press Release: BWB Seeks Immediate Injunctive Relief at Maryland’s Largest Wastewater Treatment Plants

For Immediate Release: Jun 13, 2022 Blue Water Baltimore Seeks Immediate Injunctive Relief at Maryland’s Largest Wastewater Treatment Plants Baltimore, MD–Blue Water Baltimore, represented by attorneys at the Chesapeake Legal Alliance and Barley Snyder, filed a motion for a preliminary injunction in the U.S. District Court, District of Maryland to require Baltimore City to act…