A Very Special Relationship – Creating Living Landscapes with Doug Tallamy
How do we create landscapes that enhance local ecosystems rather than destroying them? The way we plant and garden is a crucial part of the equation. Blue Water Baltimore is thrilled to be co-sponsoring Professor Doug Tallamy’s upcoming talk on local ecosystems and how their health is tied to the close relationship between native plants and native insect species. Come join us at the Friends School of Baltimore on Tuesday December, 5th at 7pm. This free lecture is a great opportunity to learn new insights from a leader in the field!
-Rob Jenkins is Manager of Blue Water Baltimore’s Herring Run Nursery.
Tuesday, Dec. 5, 7:00 p.m.
Friends School of Baltimore
Forbush Auditorium
5114 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210
Presented By:
Guilford Garden Club, with Community Projects Partners Friends School of Baltimore and Lake Roland Nature Council
“Creating Living Landscapes”
A free lecture by
Doug Tallamy
Specialized relationships between animals and plants are the norm in nature rather than the exception. It is specialized relationships that provide our birds with insects and berries, that disperse our bloodroot seeds, that pollinate our goldenrod, and so on. Plants that evolved in concert with local animals provide for their needs better than plants thatevolved elsewhere. Tallamy will explain why this is so, why specialized food relationships determine the stability and complexity of the local food webs that support animal diversity, why our yards and gardens are essential parts of the ecosystems that sustain us, how we can use our residential landscapes to connect the isolated habitat fragments around us. It is time to create landscapes that enhance local ecosystems rather than destroy them.
Doug Tallamy is professor of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at University of Delaware for 36 years, seeks to better understand the many ways insects interact with plants and how such interactions determine the diversity of animal communities. Author of Bringing Nature Home: How Native Plants Sustain Wildlife in Our Gardens and co-author with Rick Darke of The Living Landscape , Doug is also a regular columnist for Garden Design Magazine. His awards include the Garden Club of America Margaret Douglas Medal for Conservation and the Tom Dodd, Jr. Award of Excellence.
Books available for sale and signing.