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Why Year-End Donations Are So Vital to Nonprofits
At this time of year many nonprofits, including Blue Water Baltimore, remind you that we need your support. We ask you to give before the end of the year and then send you straight to the Donate webpage. If you’ve gotten that far, then it’s likely that you already believe in our mission. You also…
Herring Run Nursery: Building Roots and Spreading Branches
At Blue Water Baltimore, we take our native plants seriously. This is not only because a landscape full of native plants can help reduce polluted runoff, but also for their other benefits: cooler summers, cleaner air, and more habitat for birds, butterflies, and bees. Consequentially, we work hard to operate Herring Run Nursery as great place…
Nursery and Trees
This is one of the earliest springs I can remember. So far we have had the 6th warmest winter on record. I have seen redbuds in bloom near the University of Maryland and I can’t imagine what the Cherry Festival planners in Washington, D.C. are thinking. Right now in my yard I have blue bells…

Eat Your Natives
In 2012, for the first time ever, Herring Run Nursery was a vendor at the 25th annual Baltimore Herb Festival. We grow and sell native plants primarily for their wildlife value and pollution reduction merits, but it turns out that many native plants are edible or medicinal to humans as well. I’ve posted a short article on…
Native Plants Make for a Happy Pollinator Week
This week, Blue Water Baltimore is celebrating National Pollinator Week. Pollinating animals are critical to a healthy ecosystem as well as to urban gardens and farms, so having an excuse to call attention to these vital critters is a welcome one. Did you know that 75% of all flowering plants rely on animal pollinators? Or…
Winterberry: Native Shrubs That Multitask
At Herring Run Nursery our favorite native shrubs are ones that can multitask: they are beautiful, attract wildlife, and help reduce storm water pollution. One of the very best of multitasking native shrubs is Ilex verticillata, or winterberry holly. A gorgeous landscape plant, winterberry is a native deciduous holly. After the leaves drop in fall,…